
Collect your favorite Words powered by Ethereum blockchain
Create new WORD
Token 1
Token 2
Enter the beginning of desired WORD
  • The token of this WORD should exist
  • The owner of this token will receive 0.001 Eth
Enter the ending of desired WORD
  • The token of this WORD should exist
  • The owner of this token will receive 0.001 Eth
Press ADD button
  • Confirm the transaction

If the transaction succeed, the new ERC721 token WORD will be minted and sent to your wallet
Mint a new token for 0.002 Eth by concatenating two existing tokens
Get paid (0.001 Eth) when other users use your token to mint a new one
How it works
Decide what word to mint

  • Please remember that you can use only existing tokens and a new token shouldn't exist yet
  • The alphabet includes a-z letters and "-"
  • Use search on to check that two parent tokens exist and new token doesn't exist yet
    Choose any of possible combinations
    • To create a CAT word you can either use C + AT ("at" should exist) or CA + T ("ca" should exist) token
    Create a new ERC721 token

    • Each mint costs 0.002 ETH from which 0.001 ETH goes to each owner of the tokens that were added together (if you own the tokens, then fee comes back to you)
    • You decide which token owners will receive the fee or you can concatenate your own tokens
    How to mint a WORD token
    There are two options to create new WORD token:

    Please, use search on to check that two parent tokens exist and new token doesn't exist yet
    Etherscan Instruction
    Please, note that you should use ADD method
    Connect to Web3
    Use your favorite wallet to connect (i.e. MetaMask, Dapper)
    Enter payableAmount
    It is the cost in ETH to mint a token
    Enter 0.002
    Enter the beginning of desired WORD
    The token of this WORD should exist
    The owner of this token will receive 0.001 Eth
    Enter the ending of desired WORD
    The token of this WORD should exist
    The owner of this token will receive 0.001 Eth
    Press write button
    Confirm the transaction
    WORD tokens can use a-z letters and "-". Initial 27 tokens were preminted and belong to founders
    Made on